Scaling YOU

In order to grow your business you need to scale your business. Scaling a business means setting the stage so that you have the ability to grow your business without it being hampered. This means having planning, systems, processes, funding, etc. in place before you step into the next level of growth. The reason why it’s so important to have these things in place before your leap is because anything you have now will grow with you, good or bad. Whatever isn’t working now will just grow with your business. If you think a bigger business will solve for your current problems, you are in for a very bumpy ride. 

Scaling also applies to YOU as a person. I see over and over in this field people who say they are tired, overwhelmed, burnt out, overworked, and under-earning and think that increasing their patient load, and therefore their income, will solve for all of this. So they hire business coaches or go to weekend seminars to learn systems on how to scale their businesses and earn more money. These are not bad steps to take in and of themselves, but most of you are missing the most important part of growing your business and that is scaling YOU first and foremost. 

What do I mean by scaling YOU? It means setting the stage for growth within yourself. Doing this before taking the actions of growing your business is imperative to a successful outcome. 

If you have negative beliefs or feelings around money then it’s going to be really tough to create more income for yourself and your family. You need to scale your relationship with money.

If you have loose boundaries around your schedule or with patients,

If you are allowing yourself to be a victim of your family,

If you are a people pleaser,

If you are so overwhelmed by all the things that you’re moving through life reactively instead of intentionally...

Hiring staff and tripling your patient numbers isn’t going to solve for that. You need to get a hold of your mind and scale your relationship with yourself. To scale your relationship with yourself requires understanding the systems in your mind that you currently have in place that you default to when it comes to making decisions and the actions (or inactions) you take. Only then can you start taking the steps toward your future self. 


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