Practice Because You Want To

The Coach for Self-Employed Chinese Medicine Physicians

Defeat Burnout

More Free Time

Fund Your Dreams

You Are In the Right Place If...

  • You are burned out from practicing medicine.

  • You love what you do, but wish you had more time for your family and passions.

  • You have a lot of debt.

  • You think financial independence is the answer to your problems.

  • Your work-life balance is not where you want it to be.

  • You want to be a good spouse, parent, and clinician - And not feel like you have to choose between the three.

  • You know you need to make a change, but you don’t know what that is or where to start.

Rebecca Ong LAc., MAOM, Certified Professional Life Coach

Rebecca Ong LAc., MAOM, Certified Professional Life Coach

I’m Rebecca. I have been in your shoes.

I know what it’s like to be a self-employed clinician, starting a practice from the ground up and the challenges and struggles that go with that. I built a successful clinic, had great revenue, and my patients were getting results.

Yet, I had episodic bouts of depression and burnout that I just chalked up to the ups and downs of running a small business and managing patient care. I set high professional goals to expand to a high volume clinic. Because I thought that by doing so would generate more income and more money meant more freedom. Or so I thought.

It took a family emergency to shake me up and slap me in the face with a whole new perspective on life. I realized that the definition of success that I was building my life and practice toward was someone else’s definition. And the more I pushed toward it the more frustrated and burned out I became. Once I recognized this major blind spot everything changed for me. I want to help other self-employed clinicians find their blind spots and understand the root of their dissatisfaction so they can finally make effective changes toward creating their ideal life.

You have worked so hard to get to where you are now. You deserve to live a life that you love. And I want to help you get there.

Ashley Sidell, AP

Ashley Sidell, AP

“I reached out to Rebecca as I felt stuck in my decision making and finding it difficult to move forward. I lacked the confidence in my decisions and felt I was holding myself back from achieving my goals. I wanted to transform my practice, but would find a reason why I couldn't at each decision.

She gave me valuable tools to guide me through my roadblocks. She was insightful and helped me to navigate my own thoughts to understand the root and how to overcome my own mental barriers. I now have tools that help to manage my time so that I have a happier work:life balance. I also have tools to begin to retrain my brain to look for the truth behind my fears and make decisions based on that truth.

I learned that I can kick ass and have been doing it all along.”

What Your Peers Are Saying…

 1:1 Performance Coaching for Clinicians

Running a practice on your own is tough stuff. Your partner, friends, and family are great, but they just can’t relate to your struggles. Because they aren’t clinicians and they aren’t business owners. They don’t get it. So unfortunately you can’t lean on them for the support you need. And that is a lonely place to be. 

Performance Coaching coaching can provide the support that you’re missing. I can help you identify your goals and work together to mapping out a path toward them. In that space we will also identify your “blind spots” which are the cause of your feelings of being stuck, stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, and other challenges that are unique to being a clinician-owner.

What this is NOT:

This is NOT traditional business coaching that focuses on the nuts and bolts of expanding your business. Meaning, we won’t be focusing on the logistical implementation of clinic systems, marketing systems, clinic stats, hiring staff, etc. There is an abundance of fantastic coaches out there for this.

What this IS:

This is the stuff you ideally should be doing BEFORE business coaching. We address the emotional component of entrepreneurship. THIS where the bulk of your struggles lie when it comes to running a practice. Learning all of the logical nuts and bolts of business operations, marketing, and sales are useless if you don’t have the courage and mindset to implement them. We will identify the tools that have gotten you this far that no longer serve you and I will teach you tools that do. You will have a framework to help you work through the fears, resistance, self-limiting beliefs, and external challenges that you WILL inevitably face along the way that influence the way you make decisions. Performance Coaching will teach you the necessary tools you need to implement new and “scary” actions that you have been putting off. In short, Coaching will bring you clarity in knowing your next step no matter where you are in life or what stage of your career that you’re in, and the courage needed to move on to that next step.

Getting Started Is EASY!

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Choose a coaching program below.

Schedule Your Introductory Call

We get started on creating the life that you want!

Coaching Options

All programs are virtual and designed to be completed

conveniently in the comfort of your home or office.

Burnout Resolve

Dollars & Sense

Indecision Buster

The Newbie

Revive Your Mojo

Never Have Enough Time?

  • Does it feel like there are never enough hours in the day to do everything you want or need to do?

  • Are you saying “no” to the things you want to be saying “yes” to?

  • Do you spend your days putting out fires left and right?

  • Do you want to learn how to get everything done and still have a life?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above then download my Five Steps to Creating More Time worksheet. This is a tool I use for myself and my clients, and I’m offering it as a FREE gift to you!

Say goodbye to overwhelm!

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    You’re Tired Of…

    • Wishing you had more time.

    • Feeling burned out of practicing medicine.

    • Not putting yourself first.

    • Saying “no” to your family, friends, and passions.

    Instead You Want…

    • To love practicing medicine again.

    • To gain clarity on your next step in life.

    • To be in control of your money.

    • To have more FREE TIME.

    Get Started Now


    TCM Hub, LLC., dba Living Practice, and Dollars & Sense are life and financial coaching services and do not claim to provide financial advice on investment products. They are not financial advisors or planners, accountants, nor are they a debt settlement or a debt relief company. We do not provide tax or legal advice.

    Life & Performance Coaching is not a substitute for therapy, counseling, medicine, or medical advice.

    All content is for general education and entertainment purposes only.

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