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Burnout Resolve

Are you experiencing any or all of the following?

  • Decrease in job satisfaction.

  • Constant self-doubt.

  • Feelings of loneliness.

  • Lack of motivation and direction.

  • Fatigue or exhaustion.

  • Physical aches & pains.

You may be suffering from or on your way to burnout. 

Many in the medical professionals fall victim to burnout. Even after practicing for just a short amount of time. Unfortunately, there is a glaring omission of physician support in the healthcare world leading to burnout, resentment, poor mental and physical health, practice abandonment, and even suicide. Burnout Resolve aims to identify the root of your burnout. From there we can explore the changes needed in order to get back to a place of satisfaction. If this sounds like you, click the button below to schedule an Introductory Chat.

Do you resonate with any or all of the following?

  • Charging for your work makes you uncomfortable.

  • You never seem to have enough.

  • You get to the end of the month and you don’t know where your money went.

  • You don’t know how much to pay yourself.

  • You want to raise my rates, but you’re afraid.

  • Money is your biggest source of stress.

  • You are unclear about how much money it takes to run your business.

  • Your relationship with money can be better.

Money doesn’t bring you happiness, but it is a tool that you need to fund your way to you the life you want. We interact with money just about every moment of every day whether we are receiving, giving, charging, spending, donating, etc. Avoiding it or hating it only makes things worse. So your relationship with it matters. 

Dollars & Sense addresses your current relationship with money and what that is creating for you in your life. You will also the learn the foundations of financial organization for both your personal life and business. If this sounds like you, click the button below to schedule an Introductory Chat.

Dollars & Sense

Are you someone who has a lot of ideas, but then can’t seem to follow through on any of them?

“It’s not the right time.”

“It won’t work.”

“I’m not ready.”

“What if I pick the wrong thing?”

If you are juggling a lot at once, if you’re starting & stopping with little to no follow-through, constantly doubting yourself, dreading, and worrying it means you are not picking one thing and sticking to it. Allowing so many decisions to sit in limbo in your head starts to affect your ability to think. Your thinking power decreases to a point that you become so reactive that everything starts to feel like an emergency.

If you are currently struggling with making an important decision OR if you seem to never follow through with decisions then Indecision Buster may be just what you need. If this sounds like you, click the button below to schedule an Introductory Chat.

Indecision Buster

Have you gone from cruising along and kicking ass to suddenly losing your confidence? You can’t seem to do anything right. Patient compliance has plummeted and results have been… meh. You feel like a fraud. 


You have decided to level up your practice and the Imposter Syndrome is hitting you hard.

Revive Your Mojo focuses on getting your confidence back and building it stronger than ever. If this sounds like you, click the button below to schedule an Introductory Chat.

Revive Your Mojo

Have you been in practice for 3 years or less and experience any or all of the following?:

  • Lack of confidence speaking to patients.

  • Low patient compliance.

  • Fear of losing out on patients.

  • Having trouble getting your practice off the ground.

  • Can’t make the leap from your previous career to full-time practice.

  • Trouble navigating finances.

  • You wish you could just treat patients and NOT have to run a business.

If you’re a new practitioner there’s likely a lot more to add to this list. Trust me, I have experienced them ALL. Your first several years in practice can feel like survival mode. You face so many things that school just couldn’t or didn’t prepare you for. These are the reasons why so many of your colleagues never get off the ground or drop off after a few years. Don’t be a part of that camp! You studied too hard and for too long for that to happen. 

If this sounds like you, click the button below to schedule an Introductory Chat.

The Newbie

Not seeing a program that resonates with you? Not to worry!

Schedule an Introductory Chat and we can discuss a program that is customized to your needs.