Do you include this in your self-care routine?


Today’s topic ties in nicely to last week’s post regarding Conscious Planning where I talked about prioritizing self-care before all else. You can find that here in case you missed it.

Self-care is important. Patients come to you as a commitment to their own self-care. We as clinicians and business owners should be making time to be sure that we maintain a proper work-life balance, which includes acts of self-care. Physician, heal thyself.

When we think of self-care we think of activities such as: exercise, healthy eating, good sleep hygiene, meditation, setting boundaries with our time and attention, vacations, spa days, etc. 

How much time are you allowing toward your financial health?

When I polled a large group of you many months back one of the results was that money was the biggest source of your stress. In this country (the US) statistics show that the #1 reason for divorce, behind infidelity, is money fights and money problems. We interact with money just about every moment of the day every day. So if this thing that is in your life every single day is the source of your stress, and stress is at the root of most modern disease (HELLO LV Depression Qi Stagnation!!) then doesn’t it make sense to include healthy financial habits in your self-care routine?

A few days before the end of every month I take about 10 minutes to set the next month’s Spending Plan. There’s no stressing about how things are going to get paid because the money is already assigned and accounted for before the month even begins. Then about two weeks in I take another 5 minutes to review the budget and my spending. It takes 15 minutes a month to ward off the #1 stressor in most people’s lives. If you don’t have a method of your own to keep your finances in order, head over to my Dollars & Sense course. That will teach you the nuts and bolts of how to stay on top of your money.

I understand that many of you would rather do just about anything else besides facing your finances, but your financial health and money mindset really is a giant part of your overall well-being. Money isn’t everything and it doesn’t bring you happiness, but it is the tool you use to fund your journey toward your ideal life. If you’re feeling stuck in that realm send me a DM or schedule a 20 minute Introductory Chat.


Coaching vs. Therapy


I Can’t Find the Time