
Today being Thanksgiving here in the US I thought it would be appropriate to do a post about gratitude.

It’s easy to get consumed by all the negativity out there. Going to the negative is actually a default state for the brain. It’s a means of self-protection and preservation. When we are faced with something scary, unknown, or something unconsciously categorized as “other” our brains, in an effort to protect us, will create thoughts of the worst possible scenario so that we back off and run or prepare to fight back. This is a primal instinct that really no longer serves us most of the time in the modern world, but it is still there and it affects us whether we realize it or not. News headlines are the modern-day sabertooth tiger.

The cool thing about the brain is that it can undergo neuroplastic changes. To put it simply, we can actually change our brains! It will take time and effort, but we really can change our outlook and perspective on just about anything if we really want to. The fact that it does take time and effort means that most people will fall back on the default thinking because it’s safe and easy in the short-term. Or they create distractions by buffering with alcohol, drugs, or other activities. In the long-term, though, this only creates more suffering.

One exercise that helps to facilitate this kind of change is practicing gratitude. Something as simple as every day before even getting out of bed to say three things you are grateful for. It can be more, but three is easily actionable. Especially before coffee.

So I will start with my gratitude list. I’m grateful for…

🙏The roof over my head and a warm place to sleep every night.

🙏My family being safe and alive.

🙏My weird little dog who makes me laugh every day.

🙏Michael, who chooses me every day and is in the truest sense of the word a partner - in life, love, values, and business. (And also my photographer.)

🙏My ex-husband who I shared my first half of life with, brought me in to his beautiful family, parted with lovingly and peacefully, and is now happy in his new life.

🙏The universe gifting me with the opportunity to find love more than once.

🙏The decision to study Chinese medicine that led me to help hundreds of patients, which led to meeting some amazing people, and eventually led to me becoming a Life Coach to my peers.

🙏To all of you who inspire me every day to be better and do better.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday!

- Rebecca


Don’t Change Until You’re Happy


Circumstances vs. Thoughts