Routines vs. Rituals

Most of you have some kind of daily routine, but how many of you have rituals? What’s the difference? 

To me, a routine is something that is done regularly and on automatic. Morning routines are a good example. Hit snooze a certain number of times before getting up > Pee > Shower > Brush teeth > Stumble toward coffee, etc…  Routines can be great because they ensure that you meet your needs without much thought or effort.

Without much thought or effort. Sounds great!

With so much going on in the world and trying to keep up with our busy lives and schedules, the more you can do without having to use any brain power the better, right? This is what we (as a culture) would consider making life easier. And of course there are plenty of products being sold to us promising an easier existence. 

I have no problem with someone wanting life to be easier. We all want more freedom and less hassle, but I’m questioning whether or not going through life routinely - on automatic without much thought or effort - is really a good thing? Is a meaningful life one that is routine and automatic?

Rituals are also actions or behaviors done regularly, but the key difference between a ritual and a routine is that a ritual is, by definition, part of a ceremony. While rituals are most often associated with religious ceremonies, they don’t necessarily have to be rooted in religion. Outside of that context, rituals are actions or behaviors toward a greater purpose and meaning. These actions and behaviors are performed with intention, thought, and effort that in the end bring the person some kind of fulfillment. 

My morning daily routine used to be:

  • Snooze the alarm three times, leaving JUST enough time to get ready and get out the door to be on time for work.

  • Drink coffee while walking to work.

  • Figure out breakfast. Or not.

My current morning daily rituals now are:

  • Snuggle with my dog in bed.

  • A few sips of coffee while journaling.

  • Meditation.

  • Morning conversation with my partner while I finish the rest of my coffee.

  • Take my dog for a morning walk to the lake and take in the beauty for a bit.

  • Walk back, make breakfast, start working.

What are some of your rituals? What are some that you would like to create? 


Arrival Fallacy


Change is HARD