You Are HERE

We are coming close to the end of the year. Which means many of you will be setting new goals for the new year. 

For many people setting goals is an effective motivator. For others setting goals can seem daunting. And for some it can be downright scary. Regardless of where your feelings lie when it comes to goal setting, every person needs to begin from a place of Awareness. 

Using an analogy that I heard from a coaching podcast: Say you want to buy an item from a specific store at a mall. You have never been to this mall, but you know that the store you are looking for is there. You enter the door of the mall and you have two choices.

1. Wander around the mall and hope that you eventually find the store you are looking for.

2. Go to the mall directory and look up where the store is located on the map.

A map will not only tell you where a specific store is, but it also tells you where the store is in relation to where you are standing. Usually signified by a big red dot that says 🔴  You Are Here. 

Going with option #1 can work, but it usually takes a lot more time to get to your destination. Sometimes you get lucky and the store you are looking for happens to be really close to the entrance of the mall you came in. It would be hard to reproduce this luck if you had to find a different store on a different day.

Option #2 would be the most efficient option. By having two points of reference to work with you can find the path of least resistance to get to your destination. Knowing where you are starting is just as important as knowing where you want to be. Without a starting point you can’t create the path to your destination.

Many of you have heard of SMART goals. If you’re not familiar it’s a nemonic device used to ensure your goals are clear and reachable by making sure each goals is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time bound. But even before you determine the destination (your goals) you have be aware of everything going on at the starting point. Asking yourself why this seems daunting? Where is your resistance to moving forward or even creating goals coming from? Or if you are great at goal setting why are you great at doing this and how can you apply this same mindset to other areas of your life and work? 

I’m putting together a fun goal-setting workshop for January where I will work with you to strategize your personal and professional goals for the new year. Click HERE to be sure you receive updates!


Setting Your Gaze


Don’t Change Until You’re Happy